Veterinary Services
Pet Fully Stocked Pharmacy
At Adorable Pets Veterinary Center, We keep a large stock of veterinary pharmaceutical products and medications on hand including flea, tick, and heartworm preventive products.
We want to make it easier for you to get your pet’s food and medications.
Pet Fully Stocked Pharmacy in Haddam, CT
We offer a fully stocked pharmacy and request 24 hours’ notice for refills.

Pet Fully Stocked Pharmacy
When considering options for purchasing medication, pet owners have many choices, including online pharmacies and mail-order catalogs. But where can you truly get the best value for your money? Who can offer you the most reliable and personalized service? Before you purchase your next prescription or medication refill, ask us about our fully stocked pharmacy.
We want to make it easier for you to get your pet’s food and medications. This is why we offer an online pharmacy through Vets First Choice. Order anything you need for your pet from the convenience of your home and have it delivered right to your door.
Veterinary Services in Haddam, CT
Pet Wellness Exams
Pet Surgery
Pet Dental Care
Pet Nutrition
Pet Fully Stocked Pharmacy
Pet Hospice Care and Euthanasia
Pet Second Opinion Consultation
Pet Laser Therapy
Pet Acupuncture
Pet Chinese Herbs
Pet Manual Manipulation Therapy (Chiropractic)